Hair is the most important part of your body. They can frame your entire personality, your attitude and it completes your overall look. Ever got that feeling that you can dominate the whole world on that perfect hair day? Yep, same. But it's not easy taking care of your hair without full knowledge.

So, I'm going to list the dos and don'ts you need to keep in mind while taking care of your hair.

Don'ts: Firstly, let's focus on the things you need to avoid

1. Shampoo
No not the whole concept of shampooing your hair. But use a little shampoo and dilute it in water before applying because it can ruin your hair with its harshness if used directly. Besides that, for the sake of your hair don't be too hard on your hair. Once you have put the shampoo, very gently massage every part of your hair. Don't just focus on one part, apply it everywhere from the base to the tip.

2. Conditioners
Do not put conditioner on your scalp, it is the main freaking reason for your hair fall. And don't even put in everywhere, only at the tip and the dry places needed. Also, have patience and wait for good two to five minutes for your hair to absorb all the conditioner for better results.

3. Blow dry
Don't blow dry your hair until you really need to. Letting them dry naturally will keep your hair strong from the base and soft because the hot air can make your hair brittle. Also, if you really have to blow dry then when you are done with it, use cold air to close the cuticles.



Don't dry your hair by rubbing it. That can legitly increase your hair fall to another level than a tear will from your eyes when you see it. Use a microfiber towel to soak the excess water from your hair and then remove the towel but don't rub your hair for God's sake.

5. Brushing your hair
Don't brush your hair when wet. Your hair is the weakest when they are wet. It will increase the hair fall ten times than usual making the volume lesser. I know the locks in the wet hair can be very annoying and your OCD kicks in and you really need to get rid of it but you need to control your urge and let it be.

Do's: Now, let's focus on the things you need to do.

1. Regular haircuts
Make sure you make an appointment with your stylist at regular intervals. Not a week or day early and not a week or day late. This step is very important for healthy hair considering the process of trimming eliminates the damaged hair and those stubborn split ends so your hair can grow all flowy and smooth for the base to the bottom.

2. Brush your hair
I know not brushing the hair is like the new cool these days. It is some weird competition of who hasn't touched a hairbrush in how long but you know what? you're ruining your hair. You need to get rid of all those locks in your hair on a daily basis. Brush your hair before going to bed so It doesn't get worse while sleeping.

3. Clean your brushes
Now that I have established the fact that brushing is important, it is even more important to clean your brushes. The hair, dandruff, all the oiliness. You need to clean it almost every week so all that shit doesn't go back in your head, you understand my point here? Clean brushes are another way for caring for your hair.

4. Oiling
No one likes the ‘chip-chip' but there are so many non-sticky options to choose from. It nourishes your hair to another level. Also, makes them smooth and silky. There are also hair masks available as a substitute for oil, USE IT.

5. Washing hair
It is super important to wash your hair on a daily basis. The best interval is in every three days. After 72 hours of washing, your hair begins to get dry and there are higher chances of breakage. Also, it makes your scalp super oily which is not healthy for the hair growth. In the end, wash your hair with cold water, always. It closes the hair cuticles making it soft and shiny.

Read 5 more dos and don'ts to make your hair healthy and get rid of all hair problems